Camp YI
Building Leaders for Tomorrow... since 1945
Open Houses March 9 and 16 from 1:00-4:00. Join us for a tour of Camp!! Directions are below or call 615-504-5419.

Our Staff

Counselors and Activity Staff 

Cabin and Activity staff are composed of 80% return staff from previous years, more than half of those were former Y.I. campers. New staff are generally college students looking for summer work and many of those already have camp experience. A minimum of 80% of the Camp YI staff members are over the age of 18. All our staff members 18+ undergo a background check composed of driver's license records and the NSOR (National Sex Offender Registry).  Several days prior to the campers arriving we conduct staff and program specific training. Our lifeguards are American Red Cross Certified. 

Lead Counselors

Each Activity has a Lead Counselor who is responsible for training their staff to run or assist with running their respective program areas. They are also responsible for inventory, maintaining equipment and administering their programs in a safe, effective and enthusiastic manner. All lead counselors are 21 or older and most have spent several years at either YI or another facility with similar repsonsibilties.


Our Kitchen is managed by the Assistant Director, Mary Macdermott. She has 14+ years in the restaurant business and has been a part of Camp YI for 24 years. Paige DeJarnatt is our cook and also works for the Rutherford County School System. She has also been a caterer for private events.  We prepare delicious and nutritious meals. They provide fresh fruits and vegetables daily, salad bar, baked potato bar, chicken, beef, Italian and Mexican themed meals. For breakfast we serve eggs, biscuits, occasional meat, oatmeal/ yogurt/fruit bar, apple juice, cranberry juice, 2% milk and oat milk. 

Health and Wellness Center

Our First Aid is staffed with a Medical Professional 24/7.