Camp YI
Building Leaders for Tomorrow... since 1945
Open Houses March 9 and 16 from 1:00-4:00. Join us for a tour of Camp!! Directions are below or call 615-504-5419.

What to bring

ONE Week Packing List

Please be sure your name is on everything.
Please pack in the top of your luggage Twin size fitted sheet
1 pillow 
1 blanket or sleeping bag
2 shower towels
1 pool towel
6 t-shirts
1 white t shirt for Tie/Dye
6 pair of shorts
1 pair long pants
2 swimsuits
1 sweatshirt or jacket
1 raincoat/poncho
Pajamas for 5 nights
Ample supply socks & underwear
Dress up clothes for The Dance-themes will be emailed to each session 
2 pair closed toe shoes
1 pair of sandals or flip flops for shower use only
1 pair of water shoes/tennis shoes for lake activities that will get wet
Shoes with a slight heel or riding boots if you choose to ride horses.
Body wash, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant, Toothbrush, Toothpaste Hairbrush/Comb

Water bottle-required
Bug Repellent-recommended
Laundry Bag
Stationery & stamps Books, Board Games Journal/Sketch pad
We do not allow campers to bring their cell phones or electronic devices.
We supply lifejackets for lake activities and helmets for horseback riding. If you prefer, you may bring your own. We love to decorate our cabins with LED lights, LED candles, small rug, fun pillows.

TWO WEEK Packing List 
Session 3 June 16-June 28

Please be sure your name is on everything.
Please pack in the top of your luggage 2 twin fitted sheets
1 pillow with 2 pillowcases
1 blanket or sleeping bag
4 shower towels
1 pool towel
14 t-shirts-1 white for Tie/Dye
12 pair of shorts
2 pair long pants
3 swimsuits
2 sweatshirts or jacket
1 raincoat/poncho
Pajamas for 12 nights
Ample supply socks & underwear
Dress up clothes for The Dance
2 pair closed toe shoes
1 pair of sandals or flip flops for shower use only
1 pair of water shoes/tennis shoes for lake activities that will get wet
Shoes with a slight heel or riding boots if you choose to ride horses.
Body wash, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant, Toothbrush Toothpaste Hairbrush/Comb

Water bottle-required
Bug Repellent-recommended 
Laundry Bag, Stationery & stamps Books, Board Games Journal/Sketch pad
We do not allow campers to bring their cell phones or electronic devices.
We supply lifejackets for lake activities and helmets for horseback riding. If you prefer, you may bring your own.
We love to decorate our cabins with LED lights, LED candles, small rug, fun pillows.

Packing Tips

  • Label everything. Permanently write, or use labels that include first and last name.
  • Don't pack anything of value. Things get lost, damaged or borrowed at camp.
  • Camp is a good place to wear out your old clothes and shoes. 
  • Medium size plastic tubs work well for your belongings.
  • A laundry bag or an extra pillow case for dirty clothes.
  • Shoes without laces.
  • No shoes with open toes. Flip-flops are permitted for showertime only. 
  • No electronic devices.  Battery powered music players and disposable camera's for personal use only (no sharing of pictures online).
  • Books, Board Games, Cards, and other fun items for cabin time.
  • Add pre-addressed, pre-stamped stationary to write home.