Camp YI
Building Leaders for Tomorrow... since 1945
Open Houses March 9 and 16 from 1:00-4:00. Join us for a tour of Camp!! Directions are below or call 615-504-5419.

Daily Schedule

  • We begin each day in main camp with breakfast line up on the patio and the raising of the flag.
  • Announcements at  breakfast, followed by cabin clean up and prep for morning activities.
  • Lunch at 12:15, then rest period in cabins-a good time to write a letter home, listen to music or nap.
  • Afternoons are filled with more activities, patio party at the pool or other open activities then shower hour and dinner line up.  
  • After dinner, campers gather on the patio to play 4-square, enjoy their trading posts drink/snack and interact and communicate with each other. 

Daily Schedule
7:00 Wake up bell
7:25 Breakfast 
Line up
Cabin line up on the patio, cabin report, raising of the Flag.
Announcements at breakfast including Unit's activity schedule for the morning
8:00-9:00 Cabin Clean up and prepare for the morning activities
Points are given and Honor Cabins are announced at lunch line up.
9:00-10:30 1st Activity
Units, made up of 2 or 3 cabins, travel to their actvities 
10:30-12:00 2nd Activity
12:15-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Rest Period in Cabins**
2:30-4:00 3rd Activity
4:00-5:00 Patio Party-Pool Open
5:00-6:00 Shower Hour 
6:00-6:45 Dinner
 Line up & Lowering of the Flag
6:45-9:00 Trading Post & Night Activity
9:00  Friendship Circle  'Viva la Compagnie'

9:30 Light's Out

**During Rest Period Campers and Counselors are encouraged to use this time in their cabins to rest, sleep, listen to music, write letters or read. No electronic games or devices (including cell phones) other than music with headphones are allowed. Each Cabin has 2 Counselors and up to 8 campers.