Camp YI
Building Leaders for Tomorrow... since 1945
Open Houses March 9 and 16 from 1:00-4:00. Join us for a tour of Camp!! Directions are below or call 615-504-5419.

Camp Y.I. Policies

Youth Incorporated Policies:

  • Alcohol drugs and weapons: Youth Incorporated maintains a zero tolerance for; possession and/or use of alcohol, illegal drugs and/or weapons (including knives), abuse and/or harassment of campers or staff. If a camper violates any of the above policies, their adults will be notified, and the camper will be required to leave Camp Y.I. premises.
  • Dress Code for Campers: No short shorts, No camisoles-unless under a shirt, No extremely low cut tops, no string bikinis, no low riding or 'sagging' pants or shorts. Closed toe shoes are REQUIRED for main camp and most activities. Please do not bring sandals only. 
  • Vehicles and Animals: Campers are not allowed to bring vehicles nor animals to Camp. Campers are not allowed to operate vehicles while at camp nor be a passenger in any vehicle other than for emergency purposes.
  • Personal Property Policy: Campers are not allowed to bring personal sports equipment. The exceptions are as follows: Lifejacket-must be PFD approved, Equestrian riding helmet-must be regulation, Frisbee, Nerf type football.
  • Lost and found: Items will be kept up to 2 weeks before being discarded. Socks, underwear, facemasks, personal hygiene, broken items will be discarded immediately. 
  • Visitation policy: One of the most important aspects of the camp experience is practicing independence skills. Although this can be challenging, we ask you to respect our no visitation policy. If you would like to check on your camper, please feel free to call the Camp Office.
  • Camper Behavioral Policy:
    We always use positive reinforcement at Camp Y.I. by redirecting and trying to change the mindset of our campers and talking with them through the frustrations. Program Directors may ask a camper to sit an activity out if the behavior is disruptive or a safety risk. If no improvement, the counselors will sit down with the camper discussing, writing, doodling about the behavior and come up with a plan together to try to avoid future situations. In the rare case the camper does not respond well and there still proves to be a challenge, the help of our nurse, and assistant camp or camp director will be called in.
    Based on this conversation we may decide to give the camper another chance, call home for assistance, or send the camper home. Physical violence toward another camper or staff member will result in immediate dismissal from the camp program. 
    Campers should be respectful of other campers and staff, follow staff instructions, participate in planned activities, maintain good hygiene, and clean up after themselves. We do not allow
  • Fighting
  • Threatening others
  • Using profanity
  • Discriminatory remarks
  • Stealing or damaging camp property or the property of others
  • Leaving a program or activity without permission
  • Endangering anyone’s health or safety
  • Smoking tobacco products, using e-cigarettes, or vaping
  • Using alcohol or drugs
  • Sexual conduct
  • Bringing weapons onto camp property

    Cancellation and Refund:
  • 60 days or more before the start of session: Refund of session fee minus $100 non refundable deposit
  • 14 days or less before the start of your session: No refund
  • Failure to show before end of check-in time without prior notification: No refund
  • Leaving Camp early for any reason: No refund
  • Session Fees cannot be prorated
  • Youth Incorporated will not offer a refund in the event of inclement weather or loss of the site. Decision regarding cancellation of camp will be made by the Board of Directors
  • Request for cancellation and refund need to be submitted in writing to the Camp Director. Refunds will be issued within 30 days of receiving of request to the original payment method on file.

    Upon check-in all campers are screened by our health center staff. Campers and staff will be temperature checked and health screened for Coronavirus/COVID-19 symptoms daily while at camp. Please do not send your camper to camp if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell, have been exposed to someone suspected and/or confirmed Coronavirus/COVID-19, or diagnosed self and not yet cleared by state or local public health authorities.

    Camp YI does not offer COVID-19 testing to their campers or staff. If a camper becomes ill at camp, we will follow health department recommendations. These include quarantining the camper and contacting the adult on file for immediate pickup.
